Book Shenanigans in London this Saturday, 18th August

This coming Saturday, 18th August, Blackwells is hosting a fantastic line-up of YA writers on a panel (which I get to moderate, the fools!) and I thought I'd share with you who will be in attendance.

From Blackwell's website:

High Fantasy Night in Blackwell's Charing Cross Road, August 17th at 6pm

We are thrilled to be hosting a panel of exciting young authors who write genre fiction for the Young Adult market, though that doesn't mean old adults can't read it too!

Tom Pollock's debut novel, The City's Son, is about graffiti artist Beth Bradley who stumbles upon a hidden world of monsters and miracles underneath London's streets. It is the first in The Skyscraper Throne Trilogy and is a story about family, friends and monsters, and how you can't always tell which is which.

Tanya Byrne is a writer, feminist, drinker of tea and sniffer of books. Her debut novel, Heart-Shaped Bruise, is a compelling, brutal and heart-breaking story about identity, infamy and how far a person might go to seek revenge.

The author of Department 19 and its thrilling sequel, Department 19: The Rising, Will Hill is a growing name in the Young Adult genre fiction market. When Jamie Carpenter's mother is kidnapped by strange creatures, he finds himself dragged into Department 19, the government's most secret agency.

When not writing ads for videogames featuring people being blown up, Kim Curran writes books for young adults featuring people being blown up, namely her debut novel Shift. She volunteers as a writing mentor at The Ministry of Stories and her greatest achievement was when Tom Baker told her a script she wrote was funny. He was being paid.  <-  I have it on authority that a handful of pre-release books for Shift will be on sale. 

James Dawson, author of dark teen thriller Hollow Pike, grew up in West Yorkshire, writing imaginary episodes of Doctor Who. Until recently, James worked as a teacher, specialising in PSHCE and behaviour. He is most proud of his work surrounding bullying and family diversity. He now writes full time and lives in London.

To reserve your tickets for either of these events, please email 


This is going to be a mad event - and we're hoping to see lots of faces there.

The panel is aimed at readers and interested folk who want to find out about writing and what makes writers tick.  If any of this is of interest to you, do email Blackwells to reserve tickets - it's free and to be honest, what better way to spend a Saturday afternoon than chinwagging with a bunch of creative types and getting books signed?

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