Amos Daragon - The Mask Wearer by Bryan Perro


The legendary masks of power bore the sacred magic of the elements and were only given to those of great courage and spirit.

Amos Daragon was one of the chosen. On the day of his birth the supreme goddess of the world, the Lady in White, wrote his fate in golden letters in the great history of eternal heroes. There she waited patiently for the day he would begin to fulfil his destiny.

Pretty covers on books are a massive selling point for me. I know, I am unashamedly shallow and I am equally unapologetic about it too! When I received a copy of Amos Daragon – The Mask Wearer, I was instantly smitten. The artwork is full of motion and very evocative. Then I opened the cover and read the first few pages...and was struck by how quickly I got sucked into Amos’ world.

If you read the above synopsis and you are tickled and interested, pop by to and you will find the opening chapter which should be sufficient to give you a glimpse of what I mean.

Amos Daragon is definitely a read for a younger audience which both boys and girls alike should enjoy reading. There is action, adventure, shape changers, creatures from myth and legend and then there is Amos himself who is a very likeable hero who is very clever – but not a smartypants so you never do get irritated by him.

The antagonist in the Mask Wearer is a very daunting character, a naga, and I have to applaud the author’s creativity when it comes to creating the world which Amos, his parents and friends live in. Although the book is a slender offering, it packs a punch and the impression you get from reading it, is that you are watching an IMAX movie in wide cinemascope. The Mask Wearer sets up Amos for the rest of his adventures and looking at the upcoming titles, they are going to be genuinely good fun.

The books are hugely popular in the author’s native Canada and as far as I can tell Amos’ adventures extend to nine books already. All of these should be due for release in the UK shortly, with the second one in the series being released in September 09.

Find the author’s website here - - which is in French but Wikipedia - - seems to have some good information about the entire series which may be worth checking out, including details about Amos Daragon being made into an animated television series.

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