Sherrilyn Kenyon

I am very much aware of the amazing talents of Sherrilyn Kenyon as author - she has a tranche of books to her name and she is so well known in the States and here in the UK. I have however never had the opportunity to read any of her books - I admit I was put off by the amount of books there were in the various series and I didn't know how they fit in together. But when I received a copy of Dream Warrior (eye candy to the left), I knew I had to speak to someone for advice.

In a panic, I spoke to all my readerly friends and found that an ex-colleague of mine, Carla Hale, is a huge nerdy geeky fan-girl of Ms. Kenyon's work. Never one to let an opportunity slip me by, I immediately pounced and asked Carla to do me a review on one or two of Ms. Kenyon's books and she's come through with the goods.


First up:

Night Pleasures - A Dark Hunter Novel


Amanda Devereaux has a crazy family. Her mother and older siblings are witches and psychics, and her twin sister is a vampire hunter. All Amanda wants is a quiet, normal life. Only when she finds herself the target of an attack meant for her twin, she wakes to find herself handcuffed to a sexy, blonde stranger.

He is Kyrian of Thrace. And while Amanda's first thought is that this might be another of her sister's attempts at extreme match-making, it soon becomes clear that Kyrian is not boyfriend material.

He is a Dark-Hunter: an immortal warrior who has traded his soul for one moment of vengeance upon his enemies. Kyrian spends his eternal days hunting the vampires and daimons that prey upon mankind. He is currently on the hunt for a very old and deadly daimon named Desiderius who has deemed it sport to handcuff Kyrian to a human while he hunts him.

Now Kyrian and Amanda must find a way to break their bond before they give into their dangerous attraction to one another. Or Desiderius kills them both...

Carla's Review:

This book is where my love affair with the Dark Hunters all began. I have always had a keen interest in fantasy books, but Sherrilyn Kenyon has done for me what not a lot of other authors can do and that is keep me enthralled in all the Dark Hunter Books from beginning to end.

I found this book to be extremely easy to read and very addictive from start to finish. From the first chapter you are instantly caught up with Amanda and Kyrian and are rooting for them all the way. Although I know that Dark Hunters don’t exist, a little bit of me hopes that I will wake up in a cellar handcuffed to one some day!

Second one:

Acheron - A Dark Hunter Novel


Eleven thousand years ago a god was born. Cursed into the body of a human, Acheron endured a lifetime of hatred. His human death unleashed an unspeakable horror that almost destroyed the earth. Brought back against his will, he became the sole defender of mankind.

Only it was never that simple...
For centuries, he has fought for our survival and hidden a past he never wants revealed.
Now his survival, and ours, hinges on the very woman who threatens him. Old enemies are reawakening and uniting to kill - them both.

Carla's Review:

11,000 years ago a god was born and what a god he was!


What can I say?

This book does not disappoint at all. In all the other Dark Hunter books you hear about Ash, the head of the Dark Hunters and he is shrouded in secrecy so when this book finally came out I really could not put it down. It was superbly written and answered all the questions you have about Acheron from all the other books.

This book will keep you gripped from beginning to end. It is dark and disturbing but completely absorbing.

Firstly, thanks to Carla for the reviews - she's sent me a schedule of the various series so I now know which fits where. I will be reading Dream Warrior very soon, so keep an eye out for a review on that.

Secondly, check out Piatkus, Sherrilyn Kenyon's UK publisher's website for links to some cool content about her books. For instance, this is a link to an extract from Dream Warrior and this is the link to the trailer for Acheron - in fact, I now want to read it, as it looks just so gorram cool! And of course, find the link to Ms. Kenyon's website here.

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