Gav Thorpe Signing

We went into town yesterday to visit Forbidden Planet to get our copy of Malekith signed by Gav Thrope.

Walking across Trafalgar Square we were stunned to see the fountains frozen over!

Once we got to FP, I spotted the new Young Adult cover for Alison Goodman's Dragoneye novel renamed to: Eon, Dragoneye Reborn.

We lurked around FP for a bit, went for some coffee and came back to wait for Gav to arrive. He was running late BUT we forgave him because he's a cool guy. He arrived and we gushed at him, actually spoke lucid words at him, and got him to sign TWO copies of Malekith and our brand new autograph book. We are deeply nerdy. And proud of it!

From left to right: Mark, Gav and a random fan whom I asked to pose with them...

Gav's signature and note...he's number 1!

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