Some bad news / some good news

There is a slight panic at Casa Favourite Books. My trusty laptop has died a death. Thankfully it is insured - the IT boys will be looking at it, see if they can fix it, if not, I'll get a voucher to go and buy a new one ... only rub do I find my passwords for my broadband connection, I wonder?

I received a HUGE box of beautiful books from Walker Books today - all part of the upcoming Children's competition in January/February.

Publishers taking part in this amazing competition is: Random House, Walker Books, MacMillan Children's Books and Bloomsbury. Every one of these publishers sent through some of the best books of the past few years and some so new, they are still very shiny.

I am thrilled beyond words - the competition looks to be much bigger than I initially thought it would be. I thought maybe two or three bundles to give away to schools and a few to kids entering the competition. Now it looks like I will be able to give around six or more bundles to librarians and schools and the same again to kids entering the competition. Mark and I are very pleased.

Please spread the word to any UK schools/librarians/kids you may know. I am hoping for this to be even bigger than the give-away we are currently undertaking. More news about the actual competition soon once I've managed to contact ALL the schools in my local area to alert them to the free goodies up for grabs. Also, I have posters and bookmarks to give away as part of this!

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