Last Day Book A Day Give Away

Dear followers and readers

Many thanks for your amazing support this past few days whilst we've been running our biggest competition yet. We've had a blast.

Apologies also for the delay in setting today's competition up - I'm battling the world's worst cold and feel vile. I had to trek into London to go to Boots to collect my prescriptions and am currently slightly high on flu meds and honey tea. Which is probably why I thought the following up whilst I was being rocked to sleep on the train back home half an hour ago....

Today is the last day of the competition and I've therefore put together a My Favourite Books Batch O'Book together. I'm not going to say what's in the batch o' books, all I'm going to say is it may be this, a bit of that and maybe some of this and probably a bit of this thrown in. And other random goodies and freebies I've received from publishers and authors. There will be more titles than these, up to eight, IF I can get them to all fit into my post office box I had bought. So, hold thumbs.

All you need to do is follow the rules as before - but this time add "Batch of Books" to your competition entry. Please note: the competition is UK entrants only!

Good luck everyone!

Liz and Mark

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