Future Competition News

We had a lovely time in Bruges, ate way too much food, drank way too much beer (my head!) and enjoyed shopping at the Christmas market.

I am glad to be home though, on my comfy couch and infront of my huge tv, snuggling with the pup, known as Sparrowmaticus on days when we are feeling in a Roman mood.

I have some fantastic goodies coming up here at MFB in the next few weeks.

Competitions galore, some will be aimed at adults, and the other MUCH bigger one, will be aimed at children, aged 10+ and their school librarians (who only technically count as adults).

Mark and I will be having some guest blogs from visiting authors and agents along with author interviews.

So, all in all, it should be good fun - please do stop by again in the near future. I would HATE to not give away all these luscious books I've got lined up as pressies. We are looking at books (for adults) from CE Murphy, Lori Handeland, Christine Feehan, Maria V Snyder and even more that I can't remember as I type this. I will no doubt be giving away some "boy" books too, so it's not just us girls who get to have all the fun!

And the kids' competition is bound to be the biggest I've ever attempted, all with the support of some fantastic publishers, including Bloomsbury and Macmillan. I am hoping to announce more publishers' participating soon. It is going to be intense. The first box was waiting for us when we arrived back from Bruges today. There were about twenty books in there - you can imagine my excitement! So, if you have kids/know kids/are a librarian (UK only) keep your eyes peeled for the mother of all giveaways. It's going to be massive.

Of course, this will be interspersed with some more reviews and I am particularly excited about the Black Library's newest novel, Malekith. Mark is currently wrapped around himself reading it. We'll have THREE copies of this excellent novel to give away - an absolute thrill - our first ever Black Library giveaway! Rubs hands in glee.
Enough from me, it's time to go and get done for a workday tomorrow...as I don't think I've won Friday night's lottery. I had better check...

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