Thought Bubble - Leeds

The Stig - aka Mark

I did a very impulsive thing.

I've booked tickets for us to go to Leeds to the Thought Bubble Festival to attend the comic book convention. I've not booked accommodation yet. This is for the weekend of the 15th November.

Mark Millar will be there, along with Jock, D'Isreali and many others. As will Mike Carey. Yes, I am in geekgasmic heaven. This is the link to the site.

I told Mark that we are going last night. He looked a bit taken aback and then cheered up because he realised he could drive to Leeds at speeds of in excess of 80mph or more. Yes, little did you know he is in fact the Stig in disguise (pictured above).

I also belatedly realised this meant that I don't get to meet the amazing Caitlin Kittredge as she will be at Murder One that weekend. Sobs into her hankie. I'll have to bribe people going to get me signed copies.

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