Let's talk about...

books, of course!

I spotted the Spread the Word campaign's kicked off for 2009.

From their website:

Thousands of books are published every year, and only a small percentage makes the mark that it should.

The World Book Day team asked publishers large and small to submit books they thought deserved to reach a wider readership – most specifically those that would make good subjects for discussion, those that don’t merely entertain, but give greater food for thought.
From the many submissions received, we have selected fifty titles we feel fulfil the criteria. Each and every one brings something different, refreshing and stimulating.

This is an opportunity to vote for your favourite book on the list, so that we can find The Book to Talk About 2009.

This year we have included both fiction and non-fiction on the list, with something for all interests and tastes.

I am really excited about this project - I know many of the books nominated are worthy of winning but I would - selfishly - like to highly three of four of these which I have read and really enjoyed or am planning to read.

Firstly, the novel by an amazing author which I would personally like to thank for being an inspiration to work further on my own writings and to continue growing My Favourite Books: Daniel Clay. He wrote the amazing Broken which I reviewed shortly before it was published. I cannot recommend it enough as it is tremendously topical, both heartwarming and eyeopening at the same time.

Secondly, read it for its plotting and fantastic use of symbolism: The Season of the Witch by Natasha Mostert. Again, a book I hugely enjoyed, being deeply mystical, intricately plotted and artfully capturing the duplicitous nature of women and how trying to do the right thing hardly ever seems like doing the right thing.

Thirdly, The Archivist's Story by Travis Holland. This is one I am currently reading and I'm finding myself deeply affected by it. I won't say more until I've finished reading but for such a slender volume it packs a huge punch.

Fourth, one which I've received from Beautiful Books but not yet had time to read, so I'll make sure I get to it! The Glassblower of Murano by Marina Fiorato. The description makes you salivate, wanting more and from the comments on the Spread the Word site, it's been received with open arms.

Happy reading!

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