The Brilliance of CE Murphy and Friends

Last night, I got to meet CE Murphy, author of a whole tranche of excellent books such as the Walker Papers and the Negotiator Trilogy. She did her signing at the mecca of sci fi and fantasy, Forbidden Planet here in London. (I'm thinking I need to be paid by them for all the advertising I do!)

After squeeling at poor Ms. Murphy like a stuck pig and monopolising her time to have her sign my three books in The Walker Papers series and the new Negotiator Trilogy books as well as TWO copies of The Queen's Bastard, I settled down and chatted with Trisha from Murder One who really is one of the most amazing people I have ever met.

She then in turn introduced me to Cassandra Claire who was strolling about the shop with two friends. Yep, you guessed it, more squeeling and hugging and professing undying love to poor Cassie. She handled it with great aplomb.

I also met Sarah Rees Brennan who has something lovely and tasty coming up from the wonderful peeps at Simon and Schuster UK in 2009. It is called “The Demon’s Lexicon” and it looks AMAZING! This is the link to her hugely professional site.

They eventually tore themselves away from my clinging hands and went off to have dinner. After more chatting and looking through Sian from FP’s autograph book and being suitably impressed by the coolness of the various authors and guests (Glen Fabry rocks) who wrote her little notes, we packed up our goods and I hauled all my books upstairs to pay and spotted lovely Lexi (aka Skarrah on LJ) . More squeeling and hugging and introductions all around. We decamped to Murder One for Catie to sign the stock Trisha had (go buy ‘em!) and made general nuisances of ourselves around the shop.

Five of us trundled off to dinner (clanwilliam from LJ, her lovely lad ghm, Catie, Lexi and I) and had an absolute whale of a time. Then, because it was a school night, there were hugs all around and we waved goodbye – Lexi and I trundled off to Charing Cross where I made sure she got on the RIGHT train and I subsequently got on the WRONG train due to platform alterations which I was not paying any attention to.

I got off at Hither Green, found a lovely chap from the local taxi company to drive me home, clutching my bag o’loot to me, trying not to yawn my head off. Thanks so much to Cassie, Sarah, Clanwilliam, GHM, Catie and Lexi for a fabulous night. I have resolved to do as many Cons as I can next year, to work on my geek-quotient. And because I also want to have war-stories to tell like Clanwillian and Catie!

Anyone up for Irish MeCon next year?

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