Snippets of news

Orbit has let us know that they've acquired Jo Graham's novel, STEALING FIRE, which is a novel about the theft of Alexander the Great's body and the founding of a new era for Egypt.

Ramsey Campbell's THE GRIN OF THE DARK won the Best Novel award at this year's 2008 British Fantasy Awards. Which is pretty darn cool, especially as he is a client to the lovely John Jerrold.

Eoin Colfer, author of the fabulous Artemis Fowl books, has been signed up to write a further volume in The Hitchhikers Guide to the Universe.

Comics Exhibition at Harrods: (article swiped from The British Fantasy Society's page!)

Curated by Rich Johnston, writer of Lying in the Gutters, the Harrods "Comic Timing" Exhibition will run until 31 October 2008. It is located on the Lower Ground Floor and is directly down the stairs from Door Five, by the Knightsbridge Tube exit.

The exhibition includes original artwork from comics and comic strips as diverse as: Watchmen, Judge Dredd, The Bash Street Kids, Dennis the Menace (1950s) Korky the Kat (1930s), Oor Wullie (1940s), Batman: The Killing Joke, V for Vendetta, From Hell, Tamara Drewe, Petra Etcetera, Commando, Finbar Saunders and His Double Entendres, Tank Girl, Tale of One Bad Rat, Mauretania, Captain Britain, Phonogram, Breakfast After Noon, Slaine, Robusters, Summer Of Love, Four Feet From A Rat, Rhapsody Of Love, All Star Superman, The Filth (as seen on the right), Hellblazer, Nellyphant, Face Ache, Jackie, Commando, Gentleman Jim, Look-In, Cherubs, Judge Death, Jack Staff, Books Of Magic, Superfly, Goddess, Wired World, and Charley’s War.

Pieces have been loaned by the likes of Rufus Dayglo (a comics art dealer who began his career diving in skips outside publishers who often just threw the original art work away, and now represents many British artists), the DC Thomson Archive, the London Cartoon Museum and many private collectors. Most of the work on display has never been seen by the public in its original form.

David Lloyd, artist of V For Vendetta, will be on the Harrods stage on September 29 to present a look at the life of the book to date: its beginning, its long drawn out publication, from the pages of Warrior to those of the DC mini-series, up to its eventual adaptation by the Wachowski Brothers as the Natalie Portman-powered movie.

The exhibition was organised by Harrods Head of Creative, James Chittenden.

Some crazy fangirl (looks innocent) has created a video for Alison Goodman's Two Pearls of Wisdom over on youtube. Find the link here .

Pop over to SciFi Concept to view volume 2 of the excellent ezine, available in various formats.

The new Tor website is awesome, if you've not visited in the past, do so! This is the link.

Whilst over at Transworld Publishers' Blog, Between the Lines, there's an article on the launch of Nation, Terry Pratchett's new book.

The new Writing Magazine (October issue) has an interesting article with Neil "The God" Gaiman in it. And from that, an email I got from Chris over at The Book Swede saying the following, about Neil's visit to the UK, specifically about his signing at Blackwells in London, which Chris in turn culled from Neil's website: and to suggest that it might not be entirely inappropriate if people wanted to come in costume, given the date and all. And that if enough people do turn up in costume, I suspect that I could talk Bloomsbury or Blackwells into making some kind of prize for the best one, as long as I didn't have to decide which it was. (But make sure that any costume is comfortable enough to sit for a couple of hours in, and won't stray into your neighbour's seat or jab them with sharp bits.)

If anyone of you are fans of Cornelia Funke, the trailer for the movie that's been made out of Inkheart, is now online. You can find it here. There is also a fantastic article by Cornelia Funke in this month's Waterstones magazine about incorporating myth and legend into storytelling. A must read for aspiring and existing authors out there.

Paul Bethany as Dustfinger in Cornelia Funke's Inkheart

And then, if you've been a fan of Xena or Hercules tv shows, or of Terry Goodkind's Wizards First Rule, do I have news for you! The new series based on Terry's work is due for release shortly. This is the official website with a raft of trailers and posters. It looks good and has been shot on location in NZ. The show is to be called: Legend of the Seeker....

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