Sweet Scent of Blood - Suzanne McLeod

I am really excited to announce that Suzanne McLeod's book - Sweet Scent of Blood - is due for release next week! I cannot believe how the time has flown. I am pretty sure Suzanne is finding it equally surreal.
Good news though: Suzanne's announced that the first chapter is now available to read online - which, to be honest, is a very sneaky and much appreciated trick. The thing is: its addictive. You will not want to stop after the first chapter. Trust me.

Even my mate Gareth, over at Falcata Times is of this opinion. And he's a very tough customer to please and does not pull punches. This is part of his review that he did for Suzanne's book: As you may have seen in Falcata Times we tend to champion new authors as they appear, so it was to great delight when we opened the post and discovered Suzanne’s book. From the opening passage Suzanne’s characters jumped off the page and took the reader by the hand through a London that blended myth and legend with the modern world. What also worked very well was the author’s interpretation of the creatures of myth such as Vampires explaining their condition through believable medical terms and presented a tale that will stay with the reader long after the final page is turned. Definitely an author to watch in the Urban Fantasy category as the undead and fay face off in a no holds barred tale. The Falcata Times website can be found to the right hand of this page.

And not to be outdone by the above, I'd like to point out MY review from a few weeks ago.

So, go on, go ahead and read the first chapter of Sweet Scent of Blood which can be found here and do email Suzanne to wish her luck - good things like being published and taking the urban fantasy genre world by storm can't happen to a nicer girl. Erm, lady.

We'll do a big shout out next week - 4th September, please diarise - and I've decided to have an official "book day" to celebrate the release...this might even mean a competition....but more on that later.

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