Winners and Snippets of News

And the winner for F G Cottam's House of Lost Souls is:


Please make sure to email me you snailmail addy and I will post House of Lost Souls out to you this week.

To all my other winners - apologies for the delay in sending your books out, these are going out this week.
Thanks for your support and do remember to enter the comps - like the lottery, you gotta be in it, to win it!

Other News:
I have also received more taster books from Jimmy over at Starbucks (and chocolates, but those are mine, not to share) on the three titles from Walker Books I mentioned elsewhere on the blog, with the authors being Cassandra Claire, Nick Harkaway and Mal Peet. Let me know if you would like these sent through too - they are free! I point out again: they are taster books only, not the whole book!

Stephen Hunt, author and webmaster has put together the coolest social network community for sci fi, fantasy and horror fans. I'm already signed up - yes, I am a media junkie! - so go and support SF Crowsnest Hivemind here:

Lilith Saintcrow's got a new site up: - and it looks pretty damn awesome, pulling the artwork from her books and her online persona together in one neat package. Her new forum is up too and it is pretty slick - well done to both her and her designer, Alex.

The Bookswede has a pretty cool new competiton going on for a newbie author, Drew Bowling. Find it here.

Fantasy Book Critic has a review up on Mike Carey's second Felix Castor novel - A Vicious Circle and a good interview linked to it.

I discovered a fantastic literary agent, John Jarrold, through upcoming author Suzanne McLeod's website. This is the link to John's website: . John's career is fantastically varied from script writer to fiction editor for various large publishing houses. To be honest, he knows his stuff and seems to be a genuinely lovely chap as I contacted him to see if I could post his links on my page. So - do visit his site and marvel at his client list. I was thrilled to spot people like: Jaine Fenn, Suzanne McLeod, Stephen Hunt and many more. I love the fact that this note is on his site: PLEASE NOTE: THE AGENCY SPECIALISES IN REPRESENTING SF, FANTASY AND HORROR NOVELISTS FOR THE ADULT MARKET. WE ARE NOT TAKING ON NEW CLIENTS IN ANY OTHER AREAS OF FICTION OR NON-FICTION, OR WRITERS OF YA OR CHILDREN'S FICTION.

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