
Who knew, that so much could happen in so little time? I have not had a chance to put together any reviews on any of the books that I've read in the past few days - studying (blegh) has taken precedence, I'm afraid. However, I am putting together some news snippets below to keep you entertained!

Dear blogreaders, I'm happy to announce that fellow countryman (person?) Natasha Mostert will in the near future be putting in an appearance on the blog as a guest to chat to us about being an author, about growing up in South Africa and very importantly about her new, stunning book: Season of the Witch.

I am absolutely thrilled being offered this opportunity to host Natasha's guest blog. You can only imagine the internal-dancing (so as not to alarm colleagues and neighbours) whilst having to maintain the cool facade which I so badly try to cultivate. Liz, the Ice Queen. No, I can't imagine it either.

All four copies of Steve Berry's book has now found homes - thanks to everyone who entered!

Over at Marie Brennan's site (she is the author of the stunning Midnight Never Come) you have the opportunity to win loads of goodies. All you need to do is search for clues all around the site in order to answer the questions. This is the link to Marie's site. Enter the competition and good luck! Oh, if you click on the little half moon at the top of the page, something really cool happens, go give it a whirl.
Chris, The Book Swede is gushing about God (Neil Gaiman to you and I) over at his site, giving a very comprehensive review of his M is for Magic anthology of short stories and ficlets. I think I probably know parts of American Gods and Stardust off by heart...honestly.

For fans of Jacqueline Carey, there is an excellent interview over at Fantasy Book Critic. You know how some important things that happen to you are underscored and linked by certain things? For me it would be picking up Jacqueline's first book, Kushiel's Dart on my very first holiday here in the UK. It is intrinsically linked to lazy hot days, with nothing to do, and feeling of awe of a young woman with so much artistic talent who could write as magnificently as this, at such length! I was smitten. And I'm still a fan...can you tell?

Graeme, over at Graeme's Fantasy Book Review is currently giving away a copy of Victory of Eagles by Naomi Novik.

Katie reviews a much loved favourite of mine, Georgette Heyer's Friday's Child. I went through a stage where I was so taken with Regency romance novels, I felt sure I could write one. Needless to say, it was cringeworthy and fit only to paper the hamster's cage. I still think Masqueraders would make a superb movie...just without Keira Knightly.

And then, to round things off, for butt kicking fun, pop over to Lilith Saintcrow's site to check out her tips on how to write better...whoever decided to call this lady a "hack" needs his / her head examined! Go and read her Hack Manifest. It is excellent!

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